Friday, April 29


And the hope that came with the spring
Died with the petals of the blossoms
And all that I'm left with
Are shadows and memories

And I'm alone in this room
And I speak to my shadow
And my shadow sneers at me
And the sneer tears at my heart

And I pray to the light
And the light vanishes
And the illusion of warmth
Was just that, an illusion

So now I don't even have my shadow
Just the darkness, inside and outside
No sneers, no cheers, nothing but silence
And I wait for the day this all will end.


  1. ; ______ ; I hope you won't be emo for too long, for you seem like a really fun guy. I think this piece to be marvelous, though. Experiences --> inspirations --> many arts. How long did it take to write this? ' 3 '

    Again, hope everything's cool.

  2. I think I wrote this whole thing in under 10 minutes, lol. Thanks for your concern, I spent the whole weekend playing P4 and now I feel better.
