My maxim, not yet complete, always to be striven for:
-my father told me something when I was young: forget everything you've done for others and remember everything others have done for you
-do things not expecting to be acknowledged or rewarded
-if it causes no harm, leave it be
-if they want to, let them. some decisions are not yours to make
-take life one day at a time, but give life whenever you can
-with every passing moment aim to be a better person
-have pride without pettiness. injustices do not stack well
-words are powerful, temper them with humanity. never say words to someone that can't be your last words to them
-respect the realities of other people. everyone is entitled to their own beliefs
-one idea can improve something, another can also harm it. take everything with a grain of salt. beware of a man of one book
-the finest of men can be mislead with half-truths and lies. the coarsest one may speak beautifully if he speaks truth
-indulge but do not waste. wastefulness brings no one pleasure
-live a life without "if only"
-show up on time. people are counting on it
-there is no single form of success. money, power, and fame are not things to aim for
-it's not who has the most, but who does the most with what they have
-the best results often form organically, even elegantly. go with the flow with a positive attitude and everything works itself out
-true love exists
-if you have everything but your health, you don't have much
-dress for the weather, not for the season. check the weather before you go out
-try to get enough sleep
-why not have some fun while you're at it?