Sunday, April 10

Madoka Magica Final Episodes Announced

Finally! After the terrible earthquake that struck Japan, Shaft announced that Madoka Magica would be delayed until further notice. Oh, the cries of fans around the world. The earthquake itself was terrible enough. Sure, Madoka wasn't the happiest of shows, but the whole "self-restraint" attitude that Japan had, especially towards animated medium, had gotten out of hand since that announcement. It just seemed rather unnecessary.

Well, all that is in the past, now that Shaft's finally announced that the last two episodes will be airing back to back on April 21 at 26:40 (technically 02:40 on April 22). Isn't that awesome?! I'm pretty sure that Shaft's taken this time off to make them gorgeous on the technical front. Now I just hope that the story wraps itself up in an epic way.

To celebrate, hit the jump for...



And don't forget to check out this sweet Madoka Magica wallpaper.

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