Hello, reader! Welcome to The Beautiful World, a personal blog about day-to-day life, food, anime, books and poetry, and anything else I take an interest in - essentially, everything. Yes, folks, this blog is about everything! (If only I could find the time to blog about it all, that is...)
As those of you who have keen eye can see, this blog is also linked to my Twitter account. There's also an official Facebook page, and I recommend that you go there and "Like" it to get further updates and musings.
The name of the blog comes from a novel and anime called Kino's Journey (Kino no Tabi). The Beautiful World takes its thematic inspiration from Kino's Journey, which tries to find beauty in the human condition. In this blog, I'll lay bare parts of myself and my thoughts, hoping to lend insight to the reader about myself and about the world.
Feel free to browse through all my posts and read whatever perks your interest. I do ask that you leave comments. I like to receive feedback, and I like to know that people are taking an honest interest in my writing. Also, if there's anything you'd like me to write about, please leave a comment on the latest post. I'm willing to give my thoughts and opinions about anything. If I wanted to keep them a secret, I wouldn't post them on a blog. This blog isn't for me; it's for you, the reader. So enjoy what I'm willing to share, and once again, welcome to The Beautiful World.