Tuesday, March 1


Stealing the weekly joke from the UIUC AIAA Newsletter:

A man went ballooning for the first time and quickly got lost. Spotting a man walking on the road, the balloonist descended and shouted, "Hey, where am I?"

The man on the road looked up and shouted back, "You're in a hot air balloon over a road."

The balloonist snorted and remarked, "Oh. You must be an engineer."

The engineer started and asked, "How could you tell," to which the balloonist responded, "Because your answer, while technically correct, does nothing to help me in my situation."

"Oh," the engineer snorted and then remarked, "You must be in management."

The manager in the balloon replied, "Indeed I am. How could you tell?"

To which the engineer responded, "Because you don't know where you are, where you're going, or how you got there, you asked me for information, I satisfied your demand, and you still don't know where you are, where you're going, or how you got there, but now it's my fault."

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