Wednesday, April 20

A Dinner You Must Imagine

I made a great dinner Monday, but my camera's acting up, so...I made a 4-course Middle East inspired dinner. I put extra effort into the presentation, and I really wanted to show you all the pictures that I took, but you'll just have to imagine it, I guess.

Appetizer was a minced cucumber and tomato salad with chopped cilantro, shaped into a cylindrical mound, drizzled with tahini and olive oil, and sprinkled with pine nuts and crumbled Gorgonzola cheese.

Next was a thick and hearty chickpea soup, made with savory onions, tangy fresh lemon juice, and a generous amount of freshly ground pepper, garnished with cilantro.

Main course was whole wheat Lebanese pitas with homemade hummus. The hummus was served on a small plate, and it was molded into a bowl shape, within which was a pool of extra virgin olive oil. It was sprinkled with roasted sesame seeds, chopped cilantro, whole chickpeas, and cumin. The hummus and pitas were also served with cucumber slices, tomato slices, and grilled eggplant slices, arranged in concentric circles on top of lettuce leaves on a plate.

Dessert was a scoop of vanilla ice cream drizzled with honey and topped with pine nuts.

Everything was delicious. I wish that you were there to share it with me.

1 comment:

  1. Does this mean you took pictures and just can't upload them yet? Or that you weren't able to take pictures at all? Either way, what a bummer.

    Also, mmmmmmmmmm pitas. <3
